About me

I am currently an Autonomy Developer on the perception team at OTTO Motors, the industrial division of Clearpath Robotics. Previously, I received my MEng in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto in 2023, MASc in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering and BASc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo in 2022 and 2020, respectively. During my MASc study, I worked with Prof. Baris Fidan at the Cooperative & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems Lab and Prof. Soo Jeon at the Waterloo Mechanical Systems & Control Lab. I have experience in robotics, computer vision, deep learning, control, software development, and mechanical design through my past work experience, research, and other projects.

My research interests span both perception and control in robotics. In robot perception, I am interested in applying deep learning techniques to solve computer vision problems in robotic applications. My interests in control include vision-based control and adaptive control to enable robots to navigate safely in their environments.